Contract Vehicles
Dayton Aerospace is an active teammate on a variety of government and industry contract vehicles that provide easy, rapid access to our support. In addition, our agile business office can quickly provide all required documentation to be added to existing vehicles and teams.
Steve Allee
Director of Contracts
Existing contract vehicles provide quick access to our support
Government Vehicles
We are currently supporting a number of tasks under an assortment of established vehicles for all Services, as prime and subcontractor, including:
General Services Administration (GSA) Professional Services Schedule (PSS)
GSA One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services (OASIS)
Department of Defense (DOD) Information Analysis Centers (IAC) Multiple Award Contract (MAC)
Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) Engineering and Professional Acquisition Support Services (EPASS)
Industry Vehicles
Dayton Aerospace has a number of corporate, omnibus vehicles in place with most first and second-tier defense companies. These vehicles offer pre-negotiated rates and terms which allow us to activate your tasks quickly. Contact us for specific information about available options.