Defense Acquisition Strategy
Our unique combination of strategic and tactical experience, along with currency in all areas of defense acquisition and logistics—across the weapon system life cycle—provides our customers a strong management support framework upon which to draw. Our multi-functional experts provide incisive analysis of your current situation and work closely with your program team to establish a strategic basis for program initiation.
No two engagements are alike. Our support spans a variety of tasks leading to the development of successful acquisition strategies. We help customers in a number of related areas.
We build the plans, structure, processes, and tools for successful program initiation, implementation, and execution.
Featured Experts
Our hand-picked consultants are defense acquisitions’ brightest, most innovative experts.
Related Capabilities
Expand each section to learn about our specific business strategy related capabilities below.
Acquisition Strategy & RFP Development
Our support leads to better acquisition strategies, RFPs and proposals—successfully fulfilling warfighter needs.
Cost/Capability Trades
Our seasoned experts support delivery of cost-effective solutions through deliberate trade-off analysis between operational capability and affordability.
Source Selection Support
Our experts are former Source Selection Authorities (SSAs) and members of Source Selection Advisory Councils (SSAC) and Source Selection Evaluation Boards (SSEB).
Sole Source Justification
Law and regulation establish “full and open” competition as the preferred buying method—but it’s not always the best strategy.
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