Program Management, Cost/Schedule Control, Integration/Test, Risk Management, Military Airworthiness Certification, Proposal Management
Colonel Jim Ratti, USAF (Ret), is a seasoned business executive, program manager, engineer, acquisition expert, and consultant with over 35 years of hands-on experience successfully managing and guiding development, production, modernization, and support programs across the Department of Defense (DOD). Prior to retirement from the USAF, he served as the A-10 weapon system program manager. Since then, he has assisted numerous large and small businesses in structuring complex program execution plans and proposals and is a recognized integrated master planning and scheduling (IMP/IMS) expert. Jim was named to the Dayton Aerospace board of directors in 2014, became president in 2015 and president emeritus in 2020.
Significant Career Accomplishments
Developed business case and persuaded senior USAF leadership to fund a $1.2B competitive program to replace fatigued wings on A-10 aircraft worldwide. Program doubled original life span and saves $2.6B over weapon system life cycle.
Led most extensive avionics upgrade in the history of the A-10 aircraft—a $477M program that provided precision weapons and data link capabilities to the entire fleet.
Expertly led efforts to reduce manufacturing costs of state-of-the-art F-22 engine. Crafted a cost and profit-sharing incentive program and reduced production costs over $38M in just one year.
Formed and led team composed of representation from four organizations to deliver a $2B training systems support contract.
Key Positions
President, Dayton Aerospace, Inc.
Senior Associate, Dayton Aerospace, Inc.
System Program Manager, A-10 System Program Office
Director, Training Systems Management Directorate
Director, F119 (F-22) Engine Program
Chief, Program Support Division, Training Systems Product Group (TSPG)
Commander, 412th Flight Test Squadron
MS, Operations Management, University of Arkansas
BS, Electrical Engineering, US Air Force Academy (USAFA)
Air Command and Staff College
Air War College
Defense Systems Management College (DSMC)