Capture Strategy, Program Management, Enterprise IT Systems, Systems Engineering
Brigadier General Ken Moran, USAF (Ret), has over 30 years of executive program management experience with a demonstrated ability to lead diverse teams to success for a variety of aircraft, information technology (IT), and space systems. He possesses strong technical and business qualifications, with more than 20 years of hands-on experience in strategic planning, project and product management, and systems engineering. General Moran holds an engineering PhD and certifications in systems engineering, program management and Lean Six Sigma.
Significant Career Accomplishments
Chaired Space & Missile Systems Center (SMC) cross-functional review of 20 major acquisition strategies and $28B in contracts.
Overcame diverging USAF, Department of Defense (DOD), and congressional views to build a broadly supported seven-year KC-135 roadmap that extended the legacy aircraft’s viability for an additional ten years, saved millions in annual fuel costs, and enhanced/expanded global operations.
Successfully fielded 47 enhancements to 28 maintenance and supply systems saving over 1M man-hours per year and hitting 99% availability for 250,000 users—all while faced with large increases in overtime from extensive overseas operations.
Orchestrated process improvement activity across all USAF product lines and major Centers of activity, overseeing implementation of 50 major Lean/Six-Sigma projects that broadly cut operating costs over $1B per year.
Key Positions
Director, Program Management and Integration, Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC)
Program Executive Officer (PEO), Enterprise Logistics IT Systems, Electronic Systems Center (ESC)
Inspector General, HQ Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC)
Deputy Director, AFSO21 Office, HQ AFMC
Chief, Base Realignment and Closure Division (BRAC), HQ AFMC
Program Director, KC-135 System
PhD, Aeronautical Engineering, Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT)
MS, Aeronautical Engineering, AFIT
MS, National Resource Strategy, Industrial College of the Armed Forces
BS, Aeronautical Engineering, Virginia Tech University
Air Command and Staff College
Air War College
Leadership Development Program, Center for Creative Leadership
Center for Creative Education, University of Tennessee
National Security Management Course, George Washington University
Enterprise and Leadership Seminar, University of North Carolina