Acquisition Strategy Development, Organizational Strategic Planning, Contract Formation, Workforce Development, Process Improvement and Change Management
Ms. Patsy Reeves has over 40 years of federal government acquisition experience focused on contracting and program management. She has been involved in all stages of federal acquisition, including strategy formulation, requirements development, source selection, negotiation, program execution, policy formation, and workforce initiatives and held leadership roles at product and sustainment centers, headquarters, and the Pentagon, producing first-hand insight into the federal acquisition process. Ms. Reeves is recognized by Defense Acquisition University (DAU) for workforce development, including training pipelines, career broadening, and motivational speaking. She is an experienced expert witness.
Significant Career Accomplishments
Contract approval authority for major weapon systems acquisitions including: C-130J, C-17, and F-22 production and sustainment and participated as a member of source selection advisory committees on multiple competitive procurements.
Implemented stand-up of new Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) strategic vision, goals, and objectives; reorganization enabled Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) to consolidate from 12 to 5 Centers, reduce manpower by over 1,000 civilian positions, and save $109M annually.
Architect for the $5B AFLCMC Engineering and Professional Administration Support Services (EPASS) advisory and assistance services (A&AS) acquisition—a 100% small business contract to provide up to 5,400 contractor personnel to support over 3,000 programs across 72 locations.
Developed a major weapon system proposal adequacy tool to clarify regulatory requirements for contractor proposals; became the Department of Defense (DOD) Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) standard for streamlining proposal creation, technical reviews, and negotiations.
Key Positions
Executive Director, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC)
Director of Contracting, HQ Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC)
Director of Contracting, Aeronautical Systems Center (ASC)
Director of Contracting, Warner Robins Air Logistics Center (WRALC)
Director of Plans and Programs, 311th Human Performance Wing
MBA, University of West Florida
MS, National Resources Strategy
BS, Marketing Management, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Industrial College of the Armed Forces
Defense Systems Management College (DSMC)
Federal Executive Institute