Air Vehicle Subsystems Engineering, Aircraft Structural Integrity, Airworthiness Certification, Technical Engineering Management, Systems Engineering, Systems Integration, Airframe Full-Scale Test, Aircraft Engine Design/Development, Propulsion System Integration, System Test
Mr. Rick Reams has over 40 years of aircraft technical management experience on multiple billion-dollar US Air Force (USAF) acquisition programs. He is a highly experienced technical leader in aircraft design, development, test, and airworthiness certification with proven competencies in airframe structural development, certification, full-scale test, and expert knowledge of the Aircraft Structural Integrity Program (ASIP). Rick’s career includes significant work in engine development, propulsion integration and test, as well as subsystems design, qualification, and air vehicle integration with extensive experience with USAF airworthiness certification and system safety processes, integrity programs, and independent review teams.
Significant Career Accomplishments
Led the Air Vehicle Team of five integrated product teams (IPTs) and 20+ engineers on the $80B B-21 engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) program; transitioned the program from technology development (TD) to EMD and low-rate initial production (LRIP) phases.
Established and gained approval for the B-21 tailored airworthiness certification criteria (TACC) document—developed a novel structural certification approach with the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center Engineering Directorate (AFLCMC/EN) and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), achieving the first B-21 military flight release (MFR).
Supported ASIP reviews of all USAF aircraft and contributed to ASIP and Mechanical Systems Integrity Program (MECSIP) policy revisions.
Key member of a USAF nonconforming titanium task force which investigated the potential safety implications of titanium parts with unknown pedigree.
Led recovery effort for a B-2 damaged by an on-ground fire-designed temporary and permanent repairs to return the aircraft to service.
Managed structural integrity for the F-22’s development, production, and sustainment and revitalized the F-22 ASIP program to address full-scale fatigue test findings and established force management processes for sustainment.
Co-led Airframe and Flight Technology IPT for C-17 structures in development, production, and sustainment.
Key Positions
Systems Engineer, B-21 Program Office (AFLCMS/WBS)
Structures Technical Advisor, Structures Branch, Flight Systems Engineering Division (AFLCMC/EZF)
Lead Structures Engineer| F-22 (currently AFLCMC/WAU)
Lead Structures Engineer | C-17 SG (currently AFLCMC/WL)
MS, Aeronautical Engineering, Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT)
MBA, Business Administration, University of Dayton
BS, Aerospace Engineering, University of Cincinnati
Air Command and Staff College
Air War College