Aerospace Operations, Integration, Weapon System Cyber Security, Strategic Planning
Colonel Stephen Hoogasian, USAF (Ret) is a commercial airline pilot and seasoned leader with over 35 years of experience in both military and commercial aerospace realms. His expertise includes a unique emphasis in nascent systems development, data integration and cyber hardening, combined with current operational experience.
Significant Career Accomplishments
Senior USAF member of OSD team assessing and recommending basing location options for HQ AFRICOM. Interfaced with United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) and US Department of State officials and coordinated USAF positions with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on Safe Skies for Africa program. Briefed and prepared USAF Vice-Commander and USAF Budget Programmer for Defense Secretariat-level decision-brief to select top two HQ AFRICOM location options.
Researched implementation strategies for DoD Directive 3000.05 reference stability, security, transition, and reconstruction. Prepared decision and information briefs for senior USAF leaders on findings.
Senior USAF advisor to the Scientific Advisory Board assessing aerospace and laser industry progress pursuing creation of USAF laser gunship for Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC).
As Commanding Officer for the 64th Air Refueling Squadron, directed budgets, scheduling, and training for unit to safely perform worldwide aerial refueling support to global war on terror (GWOT) efforts.
Executed foundations of USAF’s Cyber Command —coordinated horizontal data integration issues for SECAF’s Information Mosaic Project and met with key members of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), US Coast Guard (USCG), US Forest Service (USFS), SANDIA, MITRE, Department of Justice (DOJ) and Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) to canvass for a common format for data exchange in government. Personally, briefed Secretary of the Air Force; decision outcome resulted in defining CoT data exchange protocol as a USAF and industry standard.
Key Positions
First Officer, United Airlines
Director, Current ISR Ops Group, National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
Director, Link-16 Alaska Datalink Project, ProLogic
Strategic Project Officer, USTRATSCOM/J5
Division Chief, HQ USAF, Regional Plans & Issues (A5XX)
USAF Irregular Warfare Staff Officer, USAF Irregular Warfare Division (A5RQ)
Operational Plans & Policy Officer, Defense Joint Intelligence Operations Center (DIJOC) & Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
MA, Performance Psychology, National University
BS, Engineering, US Air Force Academy
Air War College
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)/Drone Pilot
Airline Transport Pilot (ATP)
Certified Flight Instructor, Instrument (CFII)
Multi-Engine Instructor, Instrument (MEII)